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     Who's the biggest witch in Hollywood? Urm... let me rephrase that. Which witch is your favorite movie witch?

     In my novel of youth and love and choices, we meet the epinymous Goody Celeste. (Oooh, look, Ma, I'm usin' big boy words!) Cece as she calls herself is a card-carrying wiccan, but she's also a keen observer of human nature and a damn smart woman. The list below offers different takes on those magical mavens of moviedom. So... is  your best cacklin' cauldron cutie on the list? Take a look:

     If you'd like more witchy action, check out my complete, FREE story "Rocky Point" here on this site. And please check out Goody Celeste, a story that will wisk you quick as lightning back to your best teen summer.



Analog paperback:


Goody Celeste Cover