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Chris Riker and his babies
Chris Riker, author


 September 8, 2023

Conversations with Chris Riker

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Today we’d like to introduce you to Chris Riker.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I was a journalist for thirty years, working at WSB-TV and CNNI in Atlanta, among other places. About five years ago, my lifelong itch to write fiction finally drove me to begin writing novels and short stories. The faucet handle came off in my hand, and I have yet to call the plumber. My first novel, Come the Eventide, began life as a silly story. I wanted to write “Octopus’s Garden” – Ringo’s song – in story form. Somewhere in there, my octopodes and dolphins told me that, no, I could not write it as a short story; this was a serious novel. It grew into a treatise on saving planet Earth, with dolphins leading the way (because stupid humans are too self-absorbed to save themselves.) As of this telling, I have four novels out in the world. Number five is under construction. For the latest, I invite people to check out, where they’ll also find FREE exclusive content in the form of short stories.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Without a doubt, the greatest obstacle is being seen. About four million new books appear each year. Publishers only handle a fraction of that, and of course, they’re looking for sure bets. Amazon is the biggest culprit, indiscriminately churning out material no matter the quality. That said, when a person has to write, they write. I have to write. Hey, writing is free therapy! I have found that having a writers’ group is invaluable. It means reading the work of others and offering constructive feedback, but the benefits of sharing one’s vision are immense. After a meeting, I come away energized and ready to go!

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
I focus on character-driven stories coping with real-world themes, including the environment, women’s and human rights, corrosive selfishness, and abusive wealth acquisition. Sounds pretty grim, right? So… I fold these weighty concerns into wild adventures. It’s a lot easier to absorb the preachy bits when they’re mixed in with shapeshifters, winsome witches, haunted imperial tombs, talking dolphins, or Alexander the Great. I am very pleased with my novels and short stories. I don’t quit work until I feel the story is solidly told, with characters the reader will care about and remember. My voice is my calling card. I invite readers to sample some of my shorter works at and decide for themselves whether to invest in one of my novels.

Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
I credit my wife Ping for allowing me to spend insane amounts of time on my writing when I could be out becoming a billionaire. I also thank my fellow writers in The Lawrenceville Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Group and The Atlanta Writers Club. (There are many other groups out there; find one that fits your kink!) These have allowed me to meet and speak with people at all levels of their creative development, including many published authors. The feedback is everything! Also, it gets me out of the house to blow the dust off.

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